Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Hippie Story Essay Example For Students

Hippie Story Essay Once there was man who lived back in the seventies and was an extremely horny hippie. He lived in a village right outside of London, England where they lived off the land, smoked a hell of a lot, and had orgies every night. This particular hippie REALLY, REALLY enjoyed the nightlife, because he was so good at doing it that the group members gave him the name Riddlenut. After riddlenut got some extremely contagious STDOs, the group banned him from the village. Riddlenut had never gone outside the village walls, so he was frightened, and had no place to go. But he found his way to the ocean, where he hopped a boat, and was headed for New York City, a place that he had only heard about in folklore. When he arrived in New York, he immediately found out that he had to go get a job. Riddlenut went everywhere looking for a job, but no one would take him because of his fatal diseases. So finally, he ended up at Comiskey Park, where the New York Yankees play. Riddlenut had never heard of base ball before, but he sure had the right skills to be a janitor! So Riddlenut lived happily ever after at Comiskey Park, cleaning up after people and living in the dugout. As for the village right outside of London? Well, everyone contracted fatal diseases and they all died out, never getting to see the world like Riddlenut. Category: Miscellaneous

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